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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas with the Wrights!

We had a fun time visiting with the Wrights and celebrating over the weekend! Here are some photos to show you what we did!

We played Apples to Apples- I love this game! I think we set a record for the longest turn in the history of Apples to Apples during this game!

Ashlyn had fun creating art:

We made fun of John, who was caught on camera making faces. I title this one "my name is john and I am a bengals fan"....

Ellie is trying to follow in Daddy & Kevin's footsteps and lifting weights:

Eric was rather disappointed the Cavs game wasn't on TV, so he kept checking updates on his Blackberry:

Eric posing with his "first love":

Ashlyn & Abby in their matching hats from Aunt Lori & Uncle John:

Isaac following in my footsteps of photography- someday he will be my second shooter! Please excuse his shirt- I begged him to change. Poor kid was led astray. Such a tragedy.

All I can say is that as this kid's mother, I am gonna be beating the ladies off with a stick before I know it!!!

Two of my favorite people on the planet- Lori & John. See, he doesn't always look like a COMPLETE goofball!!!! (notice I said complete- he constantly is in a state of goofballed-ness!!!!) Aren't they adorable?!?!?

My girl and me: I love my Lori. She is just the best!

Family Love! Lori & Ellie, Missy & Ellie, Eric & Lori, Ellie with Lori & John:

And we discovered an awesome new game called Blokus! It is so fun and we are buying it ASAP!


  1. Great photos Mel! If I come to Ohio will you teach me how to use my camera and take photos like you?? Looks like the kids had a great Christmas and you and Eric look very happy as well;) You've inspired me to find my camera cord and upload my photos..... ack! more work!

    And for this I have to apoligize, but since I am from the Big 12.... Go Horns!

  2. Melanie, I keep trying to get on your list of followers, but for some reason, I'm not able to do that. I'll try again later.

